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When the Boss is Away: How to keep your business running smoothly in your absence


team work climbing up a hillSuccessful small businesses are often the result of the proverbial blood, sweat, and tears of the owner. They require no small measure of risk, sacrifice, and commitment. Long hours, unpredictability, increased responsibility, financial insecurity, and a host of other factors all make running a small business a challenging and taxing endeavor.

But, owning your own business is also incredibly rewarding, encompassing your passions and vision in the delivery of a product or service that is as much a reflection of you as the customers and clientele you serve.

So, it comes as no surprise that leaving your entrepreneurial baby in the hands of someone else can be incredibly stressful. What needs to be explained and who is savvy enough to the multifaceted nature of your business (other than you) to manage it, and manage it well? Though it might seem impossible, maintaining business as usual in your absence can be easily achieved with a little careful planning and preparation.

You can't pour from an empty cup. Business owners need the same extended breaks, vacations, and long weekends as employees. Block out your time off as far in advance as possible of your vacation to avoid scheduling conflicts. If you can't manage a full week or two away, consider more three-day weekends and mini-breaks.

Use Your Team:

You hired each of your staff members for a reason. Use them. Maybe you'll spread your duties amongst several employees, utilizing their unique strengths while lessening the load on any individual. Or maybe it makes more sense to comprehensively prepare one staff person to be the interim manager when you're away. Decide your course of action, clear as much from your plate as possible, consider complications that may arise, and develop any pertinent training materials and business operating guides well in advance of your departure. This helps both you and your team feel adequately prepared and keeps complications to a minimum.

Alert Your Clients:

When applicable, let your customers know that you'll be out of town, particularly if it will be an extended vacation. Make any necessary introductions to staff that will be acting in your stead or managing ongoing projects. Remember to configure your email auto reply and voicemail to provide pertinent information and redirect emergencies if they arise.


Likewise, automate as many aspects of the business as possible. Schedule social media posts and marketing campaigns. Set up autopay for any regularly occurring bills. Program all computer system maintenance and back-ups. Create an ordering calendar for supplies and functional necessities. Finally, inform vendors of your departure and provide them with a contact to address needs and concerns that might arise in your absence.

By putting in a little extra time and energy adequately planning and preparing in advance of your departure, you, too, can ensure business as usual while you're away.

For questions, call or contact Mark Reid Insurance today.

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